When completed we are planning to turn the series into an e-book, which Read More Throughout this series, I'm looking at both the benefits, and drawbacks of investing in small caps, considering all of the evidence available to us today for both sides of the debate. This is part five of a ten-part series on small-cap investing. The Small-Cap Investing Handbook: Peter Lynch's Rules

Q1 2022 hedge fund letters, conferences and more Save it to your desktop, read it on your tablet, or email to your colleagues Get the entire 10-part series on Ray Dalio in PDF. Net interest income is being driven by continued growth in both loans and deposits and supported by what appears to be a relatively healthy consumer, as well as rising interest rates. The company reported its Q1 earnings and beat the consensus by more than 500 basis points on strength in net interest income. consumer banking and the interest rate environment has it set up for earnings growth and that is already being seen in the results. Results from the financial sector have been mixed this quarter but Bank of America (NYSE:BAC) stands out. The Technical Outlook: Bank Of America Is Bottoming Consumer Banking Drives Results For Bank Of America